Two Ways To React To Editing

Recently, I worked on a group project with several writers. After getting our initial thoughts on paper, we gave our thoughts on each other’s writing. Then it was time to move to the next step. Editing We sent the work to a professional editor to look at. A couple of weeks later, I received what […]

Coping As A Writer When Life Happens

As a writer, I strive to write daily. It’s good to get in the practice of daily writing. I have discovered that the more you write, the more you write. But what happens when life gets so crazy that daily writing is simply not possible?

Remembering Why I Write

Sometimes I wonder why I write. Is anybody listening? Do people care what I have to say? Do you have those questions? Do you ever think, “Why do I write? Does anybody out there even care?” Let’s face it: being a writer is hard work. It’s not easy and it’s often filled with loneliness and […]

Why Do You Write?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? Why are you writing? If you are just starting out as a writer, or if you have written for a long time, we most likely have something in common. At one point, we have probably asked ourselves why we are writing. It’s a simple question, but one that […]

The Seasons Of Life For The Christian Writer

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” –Ecclesiastes 3:1 I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been a writer. I wrote stories in my head before I could write them on paper. I would lie awake in the quiet dark of night and spin a tale […]

When Is It Okay To Step Away From Your Work?

That blinking cursor taunts me. Having a work in progress can be very draining. As much fun as it is to work on it, sometimes I just want it done. My current work in progress is a memoir about worship; how important it is and how I struggle with it. I’m putting a lot of […]