Creative Writing Prompts and Warm-Up Writing

I’m not a fan of writing prompts. They make me feel like I’m back in high school English, waiting to get a bunch of red pen marks all over it. I sometimes read books on writing, trying to hone my craft and learn from other writers. The advice I get from these books is great, […]

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Audience

As writers, we want to make a difference and impact in people’s lives (at least that’s our hope). Moreover, as Christians we want to impact people for eternity. And yet, if we’re honest, it so easy to lose focus, grow discouraged, and compare ourselves to others. For example, we read on Facebook that so-and-so just […]

The Perfect Writing Moment

I make so many excuses when it comes to writing. I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I’ll write when I have the perfect moment. I will write later. I always make this promise to myself. I always feel there will be a better moment somewhere in the near future, where the quality of writing produced […]

Inspiration is a necessity

Writing while dry is not productive. I have tried many times to sit down at my keyboard when I’m completely devoid of inspiration. I do believe that inspiration will not just come to you. Sometimes you have to seek it out, and that often comes from simply doing the work. However, I have noticed that […]

Writing Motivation for Christian Authors

I don’t know about you but I’m altogether fed up with my lackadaisical mentality when it comes to my writing motivation. Why do I only seem to write when the spark of inspiration flickers in my dark and dusty arsenal of writing expertise? Why do I refuse to tap, tap, tap the letters on my keyboard to publish what’s […]

How a Christian Writer Should Research Topics

Good research is a science, really. There are clear steps to take and key things you do in performing good research. Then it becomes an art; knowing what bits and pieces to keep and which ones to throw out and how to fit all the pieces together to make the picture. It is important to […]

Secret Confessions of a Godly Writer

I have a confession to make. Well, two actually. I haven’t written consistently for months. As a writer hoping to take my craft to the next level, that’s detrimental. I need the practice to hone my skills and sharpen my writing. When I sit down to write, that blinking cursor taunts me. My second confession? […]