A Much Needed Push (For The Christian Writer)

I’ll never forget that first day of class. It was my junior year of college and I enrolled in – what I thought – would be a blow-off class. Boy was I wrong. It was a communications class with a new professor by the name of Dr. Hensley. Hensley got up, stared at us until […]

Two Ways To React To Editing

Recently, I worked on a group project with several writers. After getting our initial thoughts on paper, we gave our thoughts on each other’s writing. Then it was time to move to the next step. Editing We sent the work to a professional editor to look at. A couple of weeks later, I received what […]

Critiquing versus Criticism

One of the things that happens as a writer is you are subject to other people’s comments and opinions. Those opinions can either be positive or negative, constructive or destructive. Unfortunately, if you write, blog or guest post, there is no way around it. However, I’ve discovered there is a significant difference between criticizing and […]

3 Ways To Define Success As a Christian Writer

Writing for God is decidedly different from being an average writer. What we do, how we do it and even what we gain from it are unique experiences. We write because God has given us a voice and we want to use that voice to bring others closer to him. Our goals should not be […]