3 Truths To Remember About Overcoming Fear As A Writer

It’s weird. Sometimes I possess the courage of a multiple Medal of Valor recipient while at other times I’m a chicken. Why does that happen? One day I will have oodles of stamina and determination in my writing and feel like nothing can stop me. I’m an indestructible literary force that can’t be touched or […]

3 Tips To A Virtual Book Tour Done Well…

So you’ve written a book. Congratulations! You’ve accomplished a great goal, but unless you want your book to sit on your bookcase collecting dust, your work isn’t finished yet. Now it’s time to sell your words. You will probably find yourself doing this on your own. Even authors who land publishing contracts do their own […]

5 Ways To Better Refine Your “Writing Voice”

It took me a long time to understand that my voice mattered. For many years, I was always taught that there were hierarchies. In life, in families, and in organizations. While that is true, there is a common misconception there. Yes, we need leaders. We need people to organize and run organizations. And we need […]

What’s More Important: The Message or The Money?

It was two a.m. and I was getting ready for another exciting day of delivering bread (not). This day was a little different; I was excited for something that was happening later that day: my first self published book was being officially released (yeah). To get to this point was a crazy journey and I […]

Christian Writers: What Are You Waiting For?

I have been a Christian author and publisher for the last 6 years – but I have been “writing” for over 20! Writing is something that you can’t help. Writing is a passion. Something that drives you within! Is that you? Why yes, of course it is. But you just have to believe it! I […]

Discipline: The Challenge For Every Writer

I’ve been coming across the word “discipline” a lot lately. Discipline isn’t necessarily a bad word. However, whenever I see the word, I cringe. I guess it’s because the word connotes rigidity or restriction for me. When I think of the word discipline, I see a soldier in boot camp, a runner training for a […]

6 Ways To Build An Effective Christian Writer’s Platform

Here’s a little secret… I possess the world’s greatest message and the world’s most life-changing product. It is a message everyone needs to hear and a product that’s absolutely free, yet is more precious than refined gold or even a bucket full of rubies. The message I’m speaking of is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The product, […]