Worshiping Through Writing

There was a time in my life where I equated worship with only music. I knew in my head that wasn’t the case, but every time I thought about worship, it always involved catchy melodies and acoustic guitars. I knew it was possible to worship without music. It just didn’t really sink in until I actually started doing it.

I am a musician. I love that we can use music as a gift to God. But I don’t always connect with worship music. Lately I’m finding that I worship more with my laptop or journal than I do in a sanctuary full of loud music. In the quiet, I struggle and wrestle with my words, and then lay them at God’s feet as an offering.

Writing helps me to reach into my brain and pull out all the junk and distractions that are cluttering up my thoughts. As the words fill the paper, my mind empties, and I’m able to take a deep breath. I worship better with an empty mind.

As I keep writing, I dig deeper in and find desires, longings, and fears. They’re often stuffed so far down that I’ve practically forgotten them. I’m scared to write them, because then they’re out in the open and there’s no denying them anymore. But God knows that they are there. Writing them down means it’s time to lay it before God and let Him handle it.

Sure, I can pray without writing and offer my struggles to God verbally, but for my own sanity it works better on paper. It’s like it all makes better sense when it’s out there in front of me. If I don’t write, these things simply overwhelm me.

The beautiful act of pen flowing onto paper frees my soul and allows me to worship God more openly and honestly. I am thankful for the gift of writing. I’m glad to offer it back to God.

QUESTION: Have you ever found yourself worshiping through writing?

* Image credit: Daniel R (Creation Swap)


  1. says

    Jamie, I’ve already told you this—but I love the way you write! It’s open and honest and refreshing. So glad you’ve become a contributing writer!

    As a pastor, I know (“theologically”) that there are many ways to worship God. Probably more ways than we can count. Even putting a check in the collection plate as we pass it down the aisle during church is an act of worship.

    I’m interested in your background with music. Music is such a wonderful aspect of music…but I tend not to be musically inclined. I am getting better at it, thankfully. 😉

    I wrote a few articles about music and worship on my church blog. If you have time I’d love to get your thoughts. Blessings to my, my sister in the Lord!




  2. says

    Hi Jamie,
    I think writing helps to pull your thoughts together and helps you to come to a clearer understanding on issues. Sometimes it just makes me realize I do not really understand much at all. 🙂 It is also a way to make one develop more ideas about something. It seems to be like brainstorming with yourself when you put it down on paper. It captures fleeting thoughts and ideas that otherwise go dark.
    It is grand to think about God and to put those thoughts down on paper to reinforce then in your mind.

  3. says

    Thank you, Jamie! I am not a musician. I have no rhythm and am tone deaf. For years I bought the lie that true worship was done through music. It’s only in the past couple of years that I’ve come to understand that I worship best through prayer and through my writing. Thanks for sharing this encouragement today!

    • says

      You’re so welcome, Heidi. It’s sad that the church has done a poor job (in my opinion) of offering different avenues of worship for those who just don’t connect with music.
      Thanks for reading!

  4. says

    I’ve never looked at it that way before..though i talk with God through writing. Instead of spoken words, it’s written. More often than not though, it never ends with writing, i find writing is a way to empty, clarify..before moving into spoken or even silent communion. Great thoughts

  5. Rosann says

    I have found when I write in hopes of ministering to others, I often end up ministering to myself in the process. Writing is indeed a form of worship for me too.

  6. says

    I’d say this rings a bell with me … but that’s a bit musical :). I find that I get very antsy after three songs. I do like music, but it is clearly not the main way that I connect with God! As a fellow writer, it is mostly through words — both reading and writing. I also find that as I move my body I am more worshipful. Going to the gym is sometimes the most worshipful thing I do (and it’s OK if others disagree with me on that one, I just know how I feel afterwards and how much more aware of God I am and how vast and amazing he is).

    • says

      I totally agree with moving your body as a way of worship. God’s given us this body and we need to take care of it. I believe taking care of our body is a way to worship Him.