9 Things You Must Include When Writing A Query Letter

[stextbox id=”custom”] Today I asked literary agent Rachelle Gardner whether or not she’d mind if I posted an article that has already been published on her own blog.  I’m pleased to have been given the go ahead, with the proper link attribution! As you may have already learned–or are in the process of learning currently–writing a query letter […]

The Christian Book You’re Praying About Whether Or Not To Write

I bet you’re writing a book right now. You’re nearly half-way finished and you’ve been writing it for about two or three years now.  But you probably also haven’t touched it very much in the last few months.  Am I right? Or maybe you haven’t started writing “your book” yet…but you’ve been considering it.  Maybe even praying […]

Write Down Your Salvation Testimony

A personal testimony of salvation. Every genuine Christian has one.  It stands without question and will not suffer debate.  But the true beauty of a genuine believer’s own personal conversion is never focused on themselves, the state is sinfulness they lived in, the circumstances that lead them to the Lord, or even how their life has changed […]

The Query Letter That Literary Agents Love To Read

If you’ve written a book, are currently writing a book, or are even remotely interested in writing a book, then one of the things you’ll soon need to consider is how to tackle a query letter. What is a query letter, you ask?  A query is essentially something you put together which describes your manuscript, your platform, your […]

Approved As A Contributing Writer For Pastors.com

Are you familiar with Rick Warren and his ministry?  Pastor Rick leads a very large church called Saddleback Church, located primarily in southern California, but also with other campuses and church plants scattered around the world. Rick has been used by God in amazing and diverse ways, and I personally have benefited from both his pastoral ministry and his books.  His ministry has […]

7 Blogs Christian Writers Ought To Visit Regularly

I love reading blogs.  Wait, let me rephrase that.  Actually, I love reading quality blogs tailored for Christian writers.  (Yes, that’s much better.) I probably frequent about 20-30 blogs on any given day, and most of them tend to be Christian writers.  I certainly don’t (can’t!) read everything these bloggers write and many times I find myself doing […]

8 Reasons Why Christian Authors Should Start Writing A Blog

There are no doubt hundreds of legitimate reasons why Christian authors should start blogging, but they can all be lumped together and then be boiled down to only eight.  (At least that is what I plan to do here, so hopefully it works.) Because blogging platforms like WordPress (which is the one I use for this blog) provide […]