Go Ahead and Bleed

“There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” – Red Smith* As much as I love writing, it’s difficult. My heart can only take so much rawness. I can only rip my heart open and pour it onto the page for so long.

How Can Writers Love the Lost?

Before His Ascension, Jesus told His Disciples to make disciples of all nations. He also said we would receive power from the Holy Spirit to witness for Him in Jerusalem and all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth, i.e. to anyone and everyone, including to our enemies. The Jews and Samaritans […]

Description Puts the Reader Into the Story

Description is an important element of the craftsmanship of writing. Description is the means by which the writer conveys the setting to the reader. In the sentence, “Harry entered the room,” the reader does not have much material for his own mental picture of the situation. That sentence needs to be embedded in or to […]